Графы Серданьи и Бесалу


Род графов Барселонских восходит к Миро II, потомку Бело-Борреля Барселонского


Миро II (892-927), граф Серданье и Бесалу (907-914),

ж. - Ava of Ribagorza BIGORRE(dau.of Bernard (Bernardo) I of Ribagorza (Count of Ribagorza)

Tota Galindez of Aragon, dau.of Galindo II Aznarez

Vigilia de Ampurias (d.957)]:


1. Сунифред (Sunifred), граф Серданье , Бесалу 940-948 и 957-965 Валеспир, Фенноиледе, Сант (948-957)

2. Олиба II Cabreta comte de Cerdagne. cf: dessous Ct Oliva II Cabreta of Cerdagne and Besalu 965-988, entered the Benedictine monastery at Montecassino ca 988, d.990; m.Ermengarde (d.994) probably dau.of Ct Gausberto I of Ampurias

3. Миро III (до 927 - 984), граф Бесалу (965-984), епископ Жероны

4. Гифред II (до 926-957) граф Серданье, Бесалу 948-957

5. Фредебурга, аббатиса Сан Хуан де Рипол

6.(3) Сисилона (Cixilona) (р. до 923)

7.(3) Готруда (Gotruda) (до 924 - 956/963), м. - Лопе 1, граф Пайлар, сын Раймундо Рибагорса

8.(3) Гилинда (Guilinda) (р. до 925)

9.(3) Сесенанда (Sesenanda) (р. до 926)

10.(3) Фределлон (Fredelon) (р. до 927)



2.1. - Berenger eveque d"Elne Berenger, Bishop de Elna; b.before 983 in Spain; son of Oliva II, Ct de Cerdagne and Ermengarde des Ampurias; d.1003 in Elna, Spain

2.2. - Bernard I Taillefer comte de Besalu (etc) 988-1020 Ct Bernardo I "Tallaferro" of Besalu and Ripoll, d.1020; m.ca 992 Toda, probably dau.of Ct Guillaume II of Provence

2.3. - Oliba eveque d"Ausonneb.before 988 Ct Oliva of Berga and Ripoll, Bp of Vicq, d.1046

2.4. - Guifred III comte de Cerdagne. cf: dessous Ct Wifredo III of Cerdagne and Berga 988-1036, then a priest at San Martin del Canigo, d.1050; m.1st Guisla (probably de Pailhars]; m.2d Isabel

2.5. Adelais de Cerdagne; b.before 988; dau.of Oliva II, Ct de Cerdagne and Ermengarde des Ampurias; d.1024 Adelais married Juan de Oriol, sn de Sales

2.6. [illegitimate by Ingiberga de Besora] Ingiberga de Cerdagne; b.Illeg.: before 987 -; dau.of Oliva II, Ct de Cerdagne and Ingilberga de Besora, -; d.ca.1046 in Ripoll Ingiberga was the Abbess of San Juan de Ripoll

2.7. illegitimateMiron-Laget de Sisteron (b.ca.984-d.ca.1012), Vicomte de Sisteron.


2.2.1. - Guillaume I Le Gras comte de Besalu (etc) 1020-1052  Guillaume I Le Gras comte de Besalu (etc) 1020-1052 epouse: Adele fille de Guillaume I co comte de Provence. morte en 1020. cf: Dynastie de Provence.

2.2.2.- Guifred eveque de Besalu Wilfredo, Bishop de Besalu; AKA Wilfredo, Bishop de Carcassonne; b.between 994 and 1019; son of Bernard I, Ct de Besalu and Toda de Provence; d.1054 in Tyrus

2.2.3. - Garsinde Garsinde epouse: Berenger vicomte de Narbonn

2.2.4. - Adelaide religieuse Adelaide de Besalu; b.between 994 and 1020; dau.of Bernard I, Ct de Besalu and Toda de Provence; m.before 1066: Ponce I, Count des Ampurias; son of Hugo I, Cte des Ampurias and Guisla de Beziers

2.2.5. Hugo Berenguer

2.2.6. Enrique

2.2.7. [parentage unproved]ConstanzaBorn about 1005 b.between 993 and 1018 Velasquita; m.Ct Armengol II of Urgel (d.1038)



2.4.1.- Raymond comte de Cerdagne. cf: dessous Ramon Wilfredo I, Ct de Cerdagne; b.before 1025; son of Wilfredo III, Ct de Cerdagne and Guisla de Pailhars Occupation: between 1035 and 1068 Ramon Wilfredo I was Count from 1035 to 1068; m.before 1052: Adelaide N

2.4.2.- Guifred archeveque de Narbonne  Wifredo, Archbishop de Narbonne; b.before 1035 in Spain; son of Wilfredo III, Ct de Cerdagne and Guisla de Pailhars; d.1079 in Narbonne, Aude, Languedoc, France

2.4.3.- Guillaume eveque d"Urgel Guillermo, Archbishop d"Urgel; b.before 1036 in Spain; son of Wilfredo III, Ct de Cerdagne and Guisla de Pailhars; d.1075 in Urgel, Catalogne, Tarragone, Spain

2.4.4.- Berenger eveque de GeroneBerenger, Bishop de Elna; b.before 1033 in Spain; son of Wilfredo III, Ct de Cerdagne and Guisla de Pailhars; d.1053 in Elna, Spain

2.4.5. Ardoina, d.1050

Berenger Wifredo, Ct de Berga; AKA Berenger Wifredo, Bishop de Gerona; b.before 1037 in Spain; son of Wilfredo III, Ct de Cerdagne and Guisla de Pailhars; d.1094

2.4.6. Bernardo, Ct de Berga; b.before 1030 in Spain; son of Wilfredo III, Ct de Cerdagne and Guisla de Pailhars; d.1050

2.4.7. Fe = Foi de Cerdagne; b.before 1021 in France; dau.of Wilfredo III, Ct de Cerdagne and Guisla de Pailhars; m.before 1035: Hughes I, Ct de Rouergue; son of Raimond III, Ct de Rouergue and Richarde de Millau

2.4.8. Isabelle de Cerdagne; b.before 1036; dau.of Wilfredo III, Ct de Cerdagne and Guisla de Pailhars Ct Guillermo II Trunus of Besalu and Ripoll, murdered 1066/70; m.Estefania (d.ca 1085) dau.of Ct Geoffroy I de Provence Bernard II, Ct de Besalu; b.between 1023 and 1052; son of Guillaume, Ct de Besalu and Adelaide N?; m.before 1082: Ermengarde des Ampurias; dau.of Ponce I, Count des Ampurias and Adelaide de Besalu; d.1100 Adelaida, d.ca 1055; m.ca 1050 Ct Armengol II of Urgel (d.1065) Ct Guillermo Ramon I of Cerdagne and Berga, d.1095; m.1st Adela, dau.of Ct Pedro II of Carcassone-Rasez; m.2d Sancha, dau.of Ct Ramon Berenguer I of Barcelona; m.3d ca 1071 Isabel (d.ca 1071) dau.of Ct Armengol III of Urgel; both kids were from 2d m Enrique de Cerdagne; AKA Henri, Vcte de Cerdagne; b.before 1058 in Spain; son of Ramon Wilfredo I, Ct de Cerdagne and Adelaide N?, Enrique was Guillermo Ramon I"s younger brother; m.before 1088: N? III comte de Besalu 1100-1111
epouse: Berengere fille de Raymond-Berenger III comte de Barcelone. morte en 1149. cf: Dynastie de Barcelone EstefaniaStephanie, Dame de La Marche;, living 1095; m.Roger II, Cte de Foix (d.1124) Guillermo Jordan, Ct de Cerdagne; AKA Guillermo Jorda, Ct de Tortosa; b.before 1071; son of Guillaume Raymond, Ct de Cerdagne and Sancha de Barcelone; d.1109 in Syria Bernardo I, Ct de Cerdagne; AKA Bernardo I, Ct de Berga; b.between 1065 and 1070; son of Guillaume Raymond, Ct de Cerdagne and Isabelle d"Urgel; m.before 1117 in Spain: Sancha de Alvar; d.ca.1118 сына Almodis de Cerdagne; b.before 1098; dau.of Enrique de Cerdagne and N?; m.before 1121: Arnaldo I, Ct de Pailhars-Jussa; son of Raimundo IV, Ct de Pailhars-Jussa and Valencia d"Ager; Almodis was Arnaldo I"s first wife






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